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5 New Years Resolutions, Inspirations and Goals for Wine Businesses

Written by Lilia Alvarez Nevarez

(3 min read)

Wine businesses: Here are 5 New Years resolutions, inspirations and goals that will help make 2022 the best year you’ve ever had!

1. Embrace that it’s no longer just about the wine. Experience is everything!


Research shows that today’s consumer values experiences more than things. This is a huge opportunity for the wine industry!


In 2022, think beyond the wine. Create memorable, immersive experiences for your customer, AND really examine if you are limiting your brand to a static symbol rather than allowing it to be the living essence that you infuse into your customers experience with your business, both digitally and in person.

2. Commit to being customer obsessed!


Understanding your customer and what they do and don’t want from you will help you improve their experience, which will enhance their connection to your wine, which will elevate sales.


In 2022, use simple daily practices to stay constantly informed about what your customer wants. These might include making careful “tasting notes” (observations about the customers that visit your tasting room or store), chatting with your audience on social media, conducting online surveys, having conversations with them face to face, listening to employee observations, and paying close attention to what non wine merchandise is and isn’t selling.

3. Resolve to be less generic and more inspired by your brand!


There is an epidemic of sameness throughout the wine industry. Wine businesses who lean into a unique brand will be the ones people remember and care about most.


In 2022, use your brand to inspire ways to rethink your customers’ holistic experience your wine (in-person, virtual, self and guided tastings, wine club, events, merchandise, digital presence, gift packages, etc.) Focus on being, creating and delivering on something that no other winery can.

4. It's 2022. Lean into virtual experiences!


The pandemic has solidified our virtual lives, so virtual offerings are more expected and appreciated than ever before. People love being able to experience wine in fun and unique ways from the comfort of their homes. It’s a great way to build connections with customers near and far and grow business.


In 2022, start brainstorming ideas for virtual offerings that only your wine brand can offer. Get access to a digital platform that can host your events. (There are many to chose from now, but Zoom is still a favorite.) Market these experiences using your newsletter, social media and website. Get help from an expert if needed.

5. Get your brand “in shape” for the new year!


Without a strong brand, you can’t do any of the previous resolutions meaningfully. Not having a unique brand to lean into for guidance and inspiration is a sure way to sink into the wine industry sea of sameness.


Make the most of 2022! If you don’t have a brand, get to work quickly with a wine brand expert to develop a unique brand strategy and story that will enable you to have the best year you’ve ever had!

If you’d like help sticking to any of these goals and resolutions, contact us for a free consultation!


