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My name is Lilia. I’m the co-founder of A LAND BEYOND.

I believe that to sip wine is to explore the world and be connected to another time and place. I love wine for this reason, and I ardently want to share this perspective with others and help them grow their passion for wine by taking them on a ”wine journey” with me. 

If you have a curiosity for the world and the world of wine, I welcome you to SUBSCRIBE BELOW to the WINES FROM A LAND BEYOND newsletter. 

You’ll receive monthly to bi-monthly tid-bits and knowledge about creative wine pairings, winemaking, tasting, history, travel, recommendations and so much more! I’ll also keep you posted about my upcoming virtual and in-person wine classes and, eventually, wine travel opportunities!

Join a community of like minded friends who also want to GO BEYOND their current wine appreciation.
