Salom Investments, a second-generation commercial real estate investment and management firm in El Paso, Texas, had evolved their property and service offering extensively. However, their growth had never been formally captured and went widely unknown, even among their existing tenants. Unlike their competitors who were fueling the explosion of El Paso’s outer edges, Salom Investments had purchased and retrofitted properties in established neighborhoods. Their real estate philosophy was anchored in renewal, not expansion because they fundamentally believed in keeping the heritage of the city they love alive. 

We set out to give Salom Investments a brand identity that would showcase their heartfelt commitment to their border community and help them connect with their target tenants — American dream seekers, El Paso entrepreneurs, curators of culture, regents of rebirth — in a meaningful way.  


While a good and well-priced location was key, our research showed that the needs of Salom Investments’ target tenants went beyond price, address and aesthetics. They weren’t intentionally shopping for a property management company, but turning their business dreams into reality was directly linked to the character of and service offering provided by the landlord. 

Salom Investments, like many of their tenants, was an American immigrant–owned and family-run business who worked incredibly hard to achieve their goals. They saw their own family story in the pursuits of their tenants. This resulted in a more human, familial and tailored service offering than the corporate, one-size-fits-all approach of their competitors. They advocated for their tenants, invested in their shared community and cared deeply about seeing culture — whether a mural or a one-of-a-kind restaurant — come to life at their properties. They kept their beloved border heritage alive by supporting El Paso entrepreneurs as they pursued their dreams.  

This heart for family and their border community was what fueled Salom Investments’ renewal philosophy and bespoke service mentality. We knew that to appeal to tenants on the emotive level their location choices were being made, the brand needed to showcase that Salom Investments celebrated both the heritage of their properties and the unique businesses that gave them life.


We built the Salom Investments’ brand around the anthemic mantra “Our site. Your vision.” This identity placed the focus on the tenant and highlighted their visionary potential when partnered with Salom Investments. It declared to tenants that their space was a canvas for their own creation and an opportunity to enrich the community alongside Salom Investments. It also communicated the belief that the success of their tenants’ vision was a part of Salom Investments’ greater mission — keeping core aspects of the community alive and amplifying the potential of the community they love.


The creative play in the words “site,” “sight” and “vision” made the tagline memorable and relevant to the industry. The use of “our” and “your” emphasized a personal relationship between landlord and tenant — not found within more bureaucratic companies — where both work meaningfully together, one-on-one, to ensure a tenant's greatest potential for success. 

The initials S and I were combined in the logo’s icon to create the symbols of an eye and location — visually representing “vision” and “site”. The typefaces chosen reflected Salom Investments’ strength, pride and modernity. The bright, friendly color palette evoked a sense of positivity while giving a nod to the unique multicultural and binational presence seen in local art, murals, buildings and overall culture. 

The brand’s voice became trustworthy, approachable, inspiring and conversational, conveying authority through heightened industry expertise and compassion for audience needs. The language was tailored to emanate pride in the community and possibilities to come. 

“At Salom Investments, we believe a tailored approach that suits the needs of individuals and their personal business goals is paramount for success — not simply the success of our company or yours. We believe the success of our entire community depends on it.

We’re passionate about this city and the people within it. Acting as an instrument that fuels El Paso’s thriving potential is the purpose you’ll find at the heart of Salom Investments. That’s what drives us to work for you — to work with you — to bring your aspiration to life.

We provide the site. You apply your vision. Together, we’ll build something meaningful that will impact our community for good.”

Each of these elements was an integral building block of the brand we developed for Salom Investments. They now have the foundation they need to enhance their digital marketing presence and amplify awareness in the El Paso marketplace.