Few days of the year are worth celebrating as much as the Fourth of July. That’s why, while kids are enjoying the sparklers, adults are often popping open the sparkling! However, most people aren't aware of the many different sparkling wine options that exist or what makes them unique and lovely. So we partnered with Texas Culinary Institute to create a wine and cooking experience that would familiarize attendees with the variety of sparkling wine options available and show them how they could be paired with mouth-watering Fourth of July food favorites.


We developed the following three-course menu: 

Course 1: 

Crémant de Bourgogne & Watermelon & Goat Cheese Salad 

Course 2: 

Prosecco & Salmon Burger with Creamy Tartar Sauce

Course 3:

Asti & Peach Galette

Each course was inspired by a food typically enjoyed by American families on Independence Day, yet given an elevated twist and paired with a sparkling wine that would compliment the flavors. For each course, students were instructed by a Texas Culinary Institute chef on how to prepare the dish. While they cooked, Lilia divulged knowledge about the specific winemaking process used to create the wine paired with that course. Details on how that process influenced characteristics were shared and enjoyed as students were invited to sip on the wine while they worked! After all cooking was completed, students sat down to enjoy the beautiful meal together.

Students were also given a Sparkling Wine Guide to aid them in further sparkling wine exploration beyond the class. It included specifics about the three main sparkling wine making processes discussed in the class (traditional, charmat and asti) and other wines made using those processes.




The experience was a blast! Feedback showed that students had fun, left feeling enriched and empowered to explore sparkling wine further and more curious about other wine styles.