Zin Valle Vineyards was in a season of renewal. Their second generation had just assumed leadership, and they were preparing to introduce the wine from their family-owned Tuscan winery, Fattoria Svetoni, as part of their standard offering in their Texas tasting room. Their brand needed to evolve with their business, but they were unsure how it should take shape given their vastly different wine products and a changing customer base. 


We began with extensive consumer and market research to uncover the best way to bring the two worlds of wine under one brand roof, while also elevating Zin Valle Vineyards out of their wine region’s sea of sameness. We discovered that Zin Valle Vineyards’ ability to make wine approachable was what kept their existing “wine curious” customer returning for more. Yet approachability was not enough to attract a ”wine experienced” customer who was skeptical of Texas wine and uninterested in the region’s typical winery offering. They craved the refinement of a winery from a well-respected region like Fattoria Svetoni.

Zin Valle Vineyards’ approachability and Fattoria Svetoni’s refinement seemed much like their wines — worlds apart. However, if combined, these opposing characteristics could become an unexpected blend that would appeal to a broader audience. It became clear that the new Zin Valle Vineyards brand needed to embrace the two wine worlds as one unique wine experience. 


This knowledge inspired the tagline “Where the edge of Texas meets the soul of Tuscany,” an ethos that underpins the geographic, stylistic and cultural juxtaposition that now exists at Zin Valle Vineyards. It’s an alluring invitation to drink wine …

“Where vines born of rugged Texas soil mingle with sips of the most noble Tuscan wine. Where easygoing desert warmth and refined wine heritage are brought together in an unexpected local yet worldly experience.”  

Beyond the tagline, the concept of being a unique “blend” is continued in the logo design, a combination of two different typefaces that represent the two different wine brands — one modern and casual, the other refined and classic. The logo’s warm colors were purposefully chosen to represent a West Texas sunset, as well as the countryside of Tuscany. 


We developed a brand voice that was refined, knowledgeable and aspirational, yet approachable and friendly.  We curated a photography style and extended color palette that also reflected these attributes, visually evoking Tuscan sophistication and West Texas warmth.


Through this juxtaposition of two very different wine brands and worlds, a unique personality emerged. Zin Valle Vineyards was elevated out of their wine region’s sea-of-sameness and a doubting audience was intrigued to reconsider what they assumed was inferior to their expectations.



A total website redesign and rewrite was necessary to digitally convey to the world Zin Valle Vineyard’s new wine offering and refined yet approachable experience. We also creative directed and produced the photoshoot executed to capture unique, brand-inspired images that could be used here and for other marketing needs. View the full website at ZinValle.com.



We ensured their brand style and voice were reflected in new design templates for their e-newsletter and social media platforms. Entertaining and informative social media content pillars along with one month's worth of social content for their reintroduction to the world were also developed.



Elegant labels that reflected the new brand were a must. Audience response to the new look has been so positive that Zin Valle Vineyards has been able to substantially increase the price of their wine. Also, high-end markets, restaurants, wine bars and hotels are now eager to have these bottles on their shelves.



A new menu design was created to introduce tasting room customers to Zin Valle Vineyards, showcase their wine selection and clarify each wine’s characteristics in a simple, visual manner.



Images from our photoshoot were included in the layout of this marketing brochure, used to promote the vineyard in hotel lobbies and at city wine events.



We have continued to act as brand consultants, guiding Zin Valle Vineyards on brand-aligned tasting room enhancements, external partnerships and customer experiences. The customer experiences have included both standard tasting room offerings as well as special activations for their relaunch. 


Since the launch of their refreshed brand in February 2021, Zin Valle Vineyards’ yearly wine sales have more than doubled! Their Instagram following has also doubled, customer traffic has consistently increased month-to-month and leading community partners are constantly reaching out for collaboration opportunities. Additionally, an elevated brand perception and more sophisticated label design has allowed them to expand their retail distribution and increase prices across their portfolio — an increase their wine has long been worthy of.